What is Marriage? The Future of Marriage

A great article worth perusing, especially for those who assert that marriage should be just about who you love and therefore be without regards to gender (or the morality of who you love).


What is Marriage? The Future of Marriage.

4 thoughts on “What is Marriage? The Future of Marriage

  1. “(or the morality of who you love)”

    What does that mean? If you don’t mind explaining.

    • leegrenier18 says:

      There are many cases in which it is not healthy to be in love with something and immoral to act upon that love, regardless of how “real” your feelings may be. An adult loving a child (which if acted upon is pedophilia) or a person loving an animal (which if acted upon is bestiality) are examples that most people can agree are immoral. I believe that homosexual feelings are not natural, although they may be caused by any number of things and deserve to be handled with love and care for the individual’s health, and I believe that acting upon homosexual feelings is immoral.

      The homosexual community and their overwhelming supporters often argue that who you’re with should be “all about love” and that people should be allowed to “love who they want,” but that is a demand that is both unrealistic, unhealthy, and which opens up doors for immoral acts being approved.

      • The problem with your analogy is that you can demonstrate harm from pedophilia and bestiality.

        You cannot demonstrate harm from consensual homosexuality.

      • leegrenier18 says:

        That is where you would be wrong. Homosexuality does have extreme risks, psychologically and physiologically. We’re not designed to work that way, it is against our biological make-up. STD’s are extremely high in homosexual men and they tend to die much younger on average than heterosexual men. Lesbian women do not have as many physiological problems, but it is still unnatural and carries some risks. That we are unable to reproduce naturally through homosexuality is also obvious and detrimental to the human race. Homosexuals additionally have a very high rate of depression, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, and other issues, even with the acceptance and legalization that is spreading through our nation. A homosexual gene simply does not exist, but there are many factors that can contribute to a person becoming homosexual, which are almost all through emotionally, mentally, and even sexually damaging life events. For instance, children who grow up with either no father figure or a bad father figure are more likely to have sexual identity issues and therefore more likely to become homosexual when they are older.

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